Annette Paterakis Teaches Becoming a Confident Rider


Become a calm, confident, effective rider.

Conquer nerves and anxiety, set goals effectively, improve your body language and self-talk, and develop a mindset that will lead to better results and more happiness in the saddle.

All concepts in this course are backed by science. No fluff.

Get Access - $55

Break Past Nerves & Anxiety

Uncover inner blocks, break past show nerves, regain confidence after things go wrong, and learn tools to feel confident in the saddle.

Set and Achieve Your Goals

Use research backed practices to make you more likely to persevere, achieve results, and be happier along the way.

Find Confidence at Any Level

Learn the Emotional Freedom Technique, visualize like the pros, and access Annette's bonus audio visualization track.

Course Overview

Here are just a few of the many things you'll have access to with this course:Ā 

  • 10 in-depth video lessons with Annette Paterakis
  • MindsetĀ and self-reflection exercises
  • How to overcome fear while riding
  • Why building daily habits matter
Get Access - $55

Annette Paterakis' Lesson Plan

Annette takes you through her background as a competitive rider and the struggles she faced mentally and emotionally while aspiring to the international level. Her journey from competitor to confidence coach is full of important life lessons, relatable moments, and inspiring conversations — and impactful takeaways — with and from the world’s top riders

Learn the science of confidence, how our brains are wired, and what becoming a confident rider actually means. From applied psychology presented in easy to understand terms, to lessons learned from studying the best riders in horse sport, this part of the course will help you discover why you might not be as confident as you could be, and how you 100% can overcome that.

The average person has 50,000 - 70,000 thoughts per day. Those thoughts shape how we feel about ourselves, how we make decisions, how we deal with pressure, and how confident we are on the horse. Learn how to master your thoughts and language through understanding and practical application.

Beyond how our bodies affect our horses, our bodies have the power to influence our thoughts and feelings in a big way. This lesson teaches how and why our body language affects our confidence and exactly how to change the way you use your body to get real results.

Confident riders are focused on improvement, not proving themselves. They don’t take mistakes personally, and they’re not hung up on results or outcomes. This all comes down to being in a growth mindset — a hallmark of mentally tough, successful riders. In this lesson, you’ll learn what mindset is, how your mindset is affecting your riding, and exactly how to ‘rewire’ your brain for confidence.

If you’re not reaching your riding goals, chances are you’re not setting your goals the right way. Learn Annette’s proven goal-setting system, work through goal-setting exercises, and gain the knowledge you need to be able to set goals that improve your confidence and get you results.

Daily habits are actually much more impactful on your results in the ring than the habits that you practice at competitions or when under pressure. The most confident riders practice consistent, purposeful daily habits that set them up for success. Learn why habits matter, how to make them stick, and the exact morning and pre-competition routines that Annette uses with her top clients.

Limiting beliefs are subconscious beliefs that hold us back from reaching our potential. Often, we pick these up as children without even realizing it! Limiting beliefs can affect us in all areas of our riding and interactions with horses. In this lesson, Annette teaches how to identify and eliminate our limiting beliefs.

Whether you’ve had a scary fall, were bitten or kicked, or just felt embarrassed or judged after a lousy ride, bad experiences of all kinds can set into our minds and become fears that keep us from enjoying riding and being brave. In this lesson, you’ll learn specific, targeted techniques to overcome your fears for good.

Annette ties her teachings together into an easy to follow roadmap that will build confidence over time, help you bounce back from fear or failure, and allow you to reconnect to the reason you fell in love with riding in the first place.

Meet Annette Paterakis, your Masterclass Instructor

Mental skills coach Annette Paterakis has explored the ins and outs of what makes the equestrian tick, and helped countless athletes master their mindset in the saddle.

Annetteā€™s journey from competitive rider to coach has been a long and winding one, filled with important lessons and countless challenges. Her personal experiences have guided her practice, as well as years of work with some of the sportā€™s most respected riders. Her unique perspective is the product of real time in the tack and on the ground, in-depth conversations with the masters, and mentorship under sports psychologists who dared to break the mold.

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